Tips for infantile colic:
This helps with baby's tummy aches

Your baby is fussy, screams and cries, they scrunch their hands into fists, jerk their legs inwards – and all this despite having done everything you can to make your little one comfortable. The common cause: Your baby is suffering from infantile colic. We have put together a few tips that are good for babies' little tummies.

Humana Eltern küssen Baby

Humana Baby lächelt Mama an

Tip 1: Closely observe your baby

Take your time to observe your baby carefully and recognise their needs: Are they hungry, perhaps? Is their nappy full? Or do they need some peace and quiet?

A calm environment and a structured daily routine help here. If your child becomes unsettled or screams, don't pat them on the back. Avoid too much movement and loud music or noisy toys. If you rock your baby, do it slowly and calmly.

If it is time to go to sleep, leave your child in peace to do so and don't jump up immediately if they start to cry. Don't lie with your infant to help them get to sleep. For some children it is helpful if their bedroom isn't completely dark and if your child can hear you speaking from the neighbouring room.

Take a deep breath and remember that so far, your child can only express themselves through crying. And try to stay cool, calm and collected even if it's hard sometimes.

Should I adjust my diet while breastfeeding?

In the past, breastfeeding mothers were advised to avoid foods that cause bloating such as legumes, vegetables in the cabbage family and onions. However, there is no clear evidence that this avoidance is beneficial. These days, changes to a breastfeeding mother's diet is not considered helpful in reducing infantile colic. In fact, the meal plan shouldn't be unnecessarily restrictive so that it doesn't harm the mother's nutrient intake from a well-balanced diet.

In specific cases with well-founded concerns, omitting certain foods may be appropriate.
Please consult your midwife or paediatrician first.

Humana Baby hält Papas Finger

Tip 2: Correct bottle-feeding technique

  • Don't only burp your child at the end of a feed, rather, let them have short pre-emptive breaks for burping throughout their feed.
  • When you bottle-feed, ensure you have the correct sized teat and teat hole/s. The milk should drip out slowly if you hold the bottle upside down.
  • Hold the bottle so that the teat is always full and there are no air pockets in the baby milk.
  • Always dose your formula exactly according to the instructions on the packaging and do not make it more strongly concentrated.

Tip 3: Relaxation for your baby

  • Carry your baby around face-down in the 'belly hold': To do this, lie your baby on their stomach over your forearm and carefully support them with the other hand.
  • Lots of body contact gives your little sunshine a feeling of security and reassurance.
  • A small, half-filled (not hot!) water bottle or warm cherry stone pillow placed on their tummy will do your baby good. Make sure you test the temperature on the inside of your wrist beforehand so that your baby doesn't get burned.
  • Bathing can also relax your baby.
  • Singing is worthwhile because it settles your baby and also you as well.
Humana Papa sieht sein Baby liebevoll an

Seek help from your paediatrician if...

... your child is no longer gaining weight.
... they don't like to drink or feeding becomes a problem.
... they spit up a lot and show they are in pain or they overarch their back more and more.
... your baby also starts to have sleep problems
... you feel overwhelmed
... you are worried that the crying will make you so angry and desperate that you will no longer able to control yourself.

Also consult your midwife.

Humana - Baby liegt auf dem Bett und turnt

Tip 4: Tummy massage

From 6 weeks* on, you can try out stomach massages on your baby. A tummy massage not only helps digestion, the shared experience also relaxes you and your little one, and promotes your understanding of one another.

You will need:

  • Baby-friendly oil or massage lotion.
  • A pleasantly warm area (tip: use a radiator over the nappy changing table).
  • A calm atmosphere – remember to turn off your phone.
  • Routine – let the massage become a shared ritual.
  • The baby's permission: You will notice if your little one is not enjoying it. If so, try it again another time.
  • A good time for a tummy massage is after their midday nap. Please make sure you never massage your baby when their stomach is full. The changing table is an ideal place because it is a familiar environment for your baby and it is also adjusted to your height. If possible, cover the changing mat with a pre-warmed cloth.
  • Lean your baby's legs against your body. Through eye contact and by observing your baby, you will be able to tell what they enjoy. With gentle, circular, movements stroke your fingertips clockwise around the navel. This relieves gas and cramps and stimulates your baby's digestion. To finish off, gently press your baby's knees towards their stomach a couple of times so that wind can pass more easily.
  • You can increase the effect of the massage by using a pre-warmed cherry or grape seed pillow. In this case, please do without the oil or massage lotion.

* Important: Your baby's stomach button should be stable internally. Please consult your midwife or doctor first.

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