Infantile colic:
Causes, symptoms and help

When your baby doesn't feel good, you always suffer with them. Especially when you don't know exactly what is wrong and how you can help. It is often because your child has a sore tummy. But where are these pains coming from, how do they manifest themselves, and what can you do to stop them? Learn more about infantile colic.

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How do I recognise infantile colic?

Does your baby cry for long periods of time and cannot be soothed? Do you have the impression that they are in pain without any obvious cause? If your baby displays at least one of the following symptoms, it is likely that your little sunshine is suffering from severe stomach discomfort described as infantile colic.

In order to rule out other causes of persistent crying, please be sure to consult your paediatrician.

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Possible symptoms of infantile colic

  • Your baby cries without apparent cause and cannot be soothed.
  • Their stomach is bloated and hard.
  • Your baby is unsettled. They strain and overstretch themselves or pull their feet tightly towards their bodies and are very tense.
  • The symptoms and fussy periods usually occur after feeding and often at the same time of day. They often begin in the afternoon or early evening and sometimes carry on into the night.

What causes infantile colic?

All babies cry – when they are hungry, have a full nappy or are uncomfortable, for example. However, a lot of infants cry without any obvious cause. This excessive crying is often termed infantile or baby colic.

Infantile colic, however, is not colic in a literal sense. From a medical perspective, it is seen as recurring, long periods of crying, agitation and irritability of the child for no apparent reason, which the caregivers cannot prevent or resolve. They often occur within the first months after birth. It is estimated that around 16-20% of all babies are affected.

In many cases, the underlying reason behind a baby's discomfort is difficult to determine and the exact causes of infantile colic often remain unknown. The good news is that the symptoms tend to disappear as children get older and the crying usually stops by the age of 4 months. Only in a few children does it persist beyond 6 months.

Possible causes of infantile colic

  • Immature digestive system

    Well-regulated digestion is achieved through sufficient enzyme production and healthy intestinal flora. In the case of newborns, both are not yet fully developed – the digestive system is still incomplete, and the resulting transport to the intestines is irregular. This can lead to increased contractions of the gastrointestinal tract and their associated pain.

  • Trapped gas in the gastrointestinal tract

    Gas production in the gastrointestinal tract is a natural part of the digestive process and is not a problem in itself. However, excessive gas production arising from the gut's immaturity can lead to colic and a painful feeling of pressure if the bloating cannot be released because of hard stool. In addition, air swallowed while drinking can make the pain worse.

  • Adjustment and regulation problems

    During the first few weeks, a baby has to establish their own rhythm within the daily routine and adjust to everyday life. They become increasingly aware of their surroundings and have to deal with countless new impressions in the process. A regular pattern of feeding – which leaves time for sleep, play and development of a healthy appetite – is all part of this. The baby has to learn this pattern little by little. If they have not yet found their rhythm, or it has been disrupted, it can lead to infantile colic.

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How can I help my baby with infantile colic?

Tips for your baby's stomach ache and how you can bring back your little sunshine's smile:

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