How do I recognise allergies in my baby?

An allergy – a hyper reaction of the immune system – doesn't actually pose a health risk in itself. Nevertheless: Allergic symptoms have to be taken seriously and absolutely must be checked by your paediatrician. Reactions can vary from itchy eyes to shortage of breath.

How high is the
allergy risk for your child?

There is an increased risk if the mother, father or a sibling has hypersensitivities such as hay fever, eczema, food allergies or allergic asthma. Allergies are often hereditary. Even if there are no known allergies in the family, the risk of an allergy for your little sunshine can never be ruled out 100%. 

Allergy risk check for your child:

  • Low risk: If there are no known allergies within the immediate family (e.g. mother, father, siblings), it follows that your little sunshine has a low risk of allergies. However, because the risk of allergy can never be 100% ruled out, you should pay careful attention to your child when introducing new foods, e.g. when starting them on solids.
  • Moderate risk: If there are only single cases of allergies within the immediate family circle (e.g. the mother, father or a sibling has one), your child has a moderate risk of allergy. allergies, your child has a high risk of allergy.
  • Very high risk: If there are two or more people within the immediate family who suffer from the same or more allergies, your child has a very high risk of allergy.

In order to reduce the risk of allergy as much as possible, if there is a moderate to very high risk of allergy we recommend taking preventive action for your child, i.e. in the form of a low-allergen diet. Scientific studies have shown that consistently providing your child with low allergenic products can lower the risk of allergy by up to 50%. Also, breast milk is best for babies even if they have an increased risk of allergies. If you can't breastfeed, there are special HA (hypoallergenic) formulas for your little sunshine. If you have any further questions about allergies or the risk of allergies, please contact your paediatrician.

Questions and answers all about allergy prevention

  • Can I prevent allergies during pregnancy and childbirth?

    A low-allergen diet is not recommended during pregnancy.

    It has not been scientifically established that having a low-allergen diet during pregnancy helps avoid the development of allergies in infants. These days, it is not recommended to follow a low-allergen diet during pregnancy because this increases the risk of inadequate nutrient intake. It has been proven, however, that

    • a mother's smoking can increase the child's risk of allergy.
    • children who are born naturally are less likely to develop allergies than children who are born via caesarean section.

    During a natural birth, bacteria are transferred from the mother that are important for the development of the child's immature immune system.

  • How can allergies be prevented in infants?

    For prevention, infants should be breastfed exclusively for at least the first 4 months.

    Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for every baby, especially if there is already a family history of allergies. If possible, the child should be exclusively breastfed for at least 4 months to prevent allergies. If the milk supply is insufficient or there are other reasons why breastfeeding is not possible, babies with a higher risk of allergies should be fed a hypoallergenic (HA) formula. Please contact your doctor if you have any further questions.

  • How can allergies be prevented at the age of weaning?

    Fish and grains containing gluten are recommended even if there is an increased risk of allergy.

    To train the immune system, solids can be introduced between the ages of 5 to 7 months. As with infants at no risk for allergies, different foods may be introduced gradually for a balanced, age-appropriate, mixed (breastmilk or formula, plus solids) diet. Fish, for example, is highly recommended these days and can enrich the menu within the first year because it provides easily digestible protein and valuable fatty acids. Also, the step by step introduction of grains containing gluten should begin at this time.

  • 'Dirt cleanses the stomach!' – is that true?

    The body has to come into contact with potential allergens in order to develop defences against them

    Cleanliness and hygiene are especially important in the first six months. During the first few months you should always carefully clean and sterilise bottles, teats and dummies/pacifiers. But please don't forget that your child's physiology has to come into contact with contaminants (e.g. viruses, bacteria, pollens) in order to develop a defence against them. If not, the body may either not react at all (i.e. becomes sick) or reacts excessively (i.e. has an allergic reaction) when it comes into contact with these substances. Let your child explore their environment or play with pets after the first six months. And trust the old adage that 'dirt cleanses the stomach'.

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